DNO Blogs

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A glimpse into Neuroscience at the IBB in South Korea

Congratulations to Yidou Weng! China won the IBB 2019 that took place from September 19-23 in Daegu, South Korea. Even though Jasmin Alami, who represented Germany, did not make it to the top, we are sure she enjoyed a great time. Continue reading, if you want to know more about her impressions and IBB experiences.

Student Connection

Inspiring stories from the student participants of the Deutsche Neurowissechaften-Olympiade.

Luisa wins 3nd place at DNO Nationals in Heidelberg

Luisa KĂźes, student at the Gymnasium Nordhorn, won the 3rdprice at the national DNO final in Heidelberg. She is very interested in...

Mavie wins 2nd place at the DNO final in Heidelberg!

National 2nd place winner Mavie S., student at the Luisenschule in Mßhlheim an der Ruhr, told us about her passion for neuroscience and...

Report: Behaviour Conference 2017

By Isabel K:  2017 DNO Nationals, 3rd Place Winner As third placed competitor at the national round of the German Neuroscience Olympiad, I...

Praktikum – Leibniz Institut für Altersforschung

Von Rebecca R.:  2017 DNO Nationals, 2rd Place Winner Ich durfte vom 22. bis zum 24. Mai ein sehr kurzes aber auch ßberaus...

Latest News

The latest news, updates and happenings around the DNO community.

A glimpse into Neuroscience at the IBB 2019 in South Korea

  Jasmin, how was your time at the International Brain Bee 2019? Oh, this is simple: It has been one of the best experiences...

Inspiring the Minds of Future Neuroscientists in Berlin

Talented high school students met to compete in the 9thDeutsche Neuroscience-Olympiade (DNO) at the Max-DelbrĂźck-Center, on Saturday 2ndMarch. This event was the...

Medizin oder Maschinen –Hauptsache Biologie

Um den Einzug in die zwei- te Runde der Neurowissen- schaften-Olympiade kämpften letzte Woche 28 Schßler aus Baden-Wßrt- temberg, Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz....

DNO Bonn 2019: Third year of keeping up the neuroscience zeal

On the 2nd of March, Life&Brain Center welcomed for the 3nd time the regional DNO Bonn competition. Even though it was Carnival...

Poland Wins! Congratulations to the 2018 IBB Champion: Piotr Oleksy

Eighteen-year-old Piotr Oleksy from Poland is the winner of the 2018 International Brain Bee Championship.  Announced at the FENS Forum (Berlin, July 8, 2018...

Curiosity and quest for the unknown

Yingning Lu is the winner of the 2018 Frankfurt Regionals Deutsche Neurowissenschaften Olympiade. She had to prevail over 25 other young talented...

Winning Feeling! – Introducing this year’s top 3 from Berlin

Certainly all participants of this year’s DNO regional event in Berlin did a great job and were very well prepared for the...

Outreach: The importance of being involved in DNO

When I first heard about the Deutsche Neurowissenschaften Olympiade (DNO) e.V. , I was a little surprised because I had never studied...

DNO Bonn: A 2nd Year of Success

DNO Bonn 2018: a second year of success for participants and organizers On the 17th of March, Life&Brain Center welcomed for a 2nd...

2017 World Brain Bee

Future neuroscientists from around the world met in Washington, DC this week to compete in the nineteenth World Brain Bee Championship. The Brain Bee...

Neuroscience Olympiad for young “Mega Minds”

Talented High School students from North-West Germany demonstrated their knowledge about the human brain in the first regional neuroscience competition hosted in...

We are expanding!

Due to the positive feedback that we received – both from students and from their parents, since a couple of years we...

New Beginnings

The non-profit organization Deutsche Neurowissenschaften-Olympiade or DNO e.V. was founded in December 2015 and is currently based in Heidelberg, at the Spinal Cord...

2014 Nationals

Congratulations to the 2014 Nationals Participants! In its fourth iteration, 2014 was a record-breaking year for the German National Neuroscience Competition, held...

Brain Bee 2014!

The German Brain Bee community has grown considerably in the last three years! Once again supported generously by the Heidelberg University Hartmut...

Lukas Schick: 2013 National Champion!

After rigorous competition and extraordinary demonstrations of talent by students from across Germany, Lukas Schick of Helmholtz Gymnasium Heidelberg finished victorious with...


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