Florian’s academic journey started with informatics at the University of Munich, moved to Physics, also at the University of Munich, and ended up with Psychology at the University of Würzburg. Within this context, Florian spends a considerable amount of his time investigating the interplay between technology and society. We spend an enormous amount of our time with modern technology, giving a lot of power to the ones that design these devices and shape our usage. Since the early stages of Information technology, there have been ideas about how technology can empower and not incapacitate it’s users. This includes the right to inspect any computer you are entrusting you’re information with, to be able to access information about what the computer does and to be able to modify it. However, both permission and ability to do these and other things sometimes contradict a maximization of a company’s profits. With Florian keeping track of these technological developments, he wants to combine his knowledge about IT with a responsibility for us users at and around DNO.